Getting your ideal lesson time
If you can’t get your ideal time when you first make contact with your local…
Progressing in the Shapland System
In order to understand what is happening with your child’s Personal Aquatic Survival Skills development…
No one is drown proof
We live in such a changing society where there are ever increasing demands on our…
What is MySSS?
Since 1993 Shapland Swim Schools have used a unique computer program to manage their day-to-day…
Winter – a great time for lessons
Winter is a great time to enroll you child in swimming lessons. The Australian Government…
Chelsea saves her life
Sixteen month old Chelsea put the skills she learnt at swimming lessons to avoid a…
Christmas lights at Shaplands Buderim
Each Christmas Dereck and Bonnie Mills, owners and franchisees of the Shapland Swim School at…
Three year old Parker saves himself
I though I would share an email with you that came into my computer from…
First time at the beach
Going to the beach for the first time is an exciting occasions for most of…
Warm water and gritty eyes
The next time you have a bath try putting your face in the water and…