8 Benefits Of An Early Swimming Education For Children

8 Benefits Of Early Swimming Education For Children

There are so many benefits of swimming for children. Not only is it just a fun activity, it can also help a child boost their physical and mental attributes in a holistic manner, thereby helping them develop into confident, competent adults. In this article, let’s do a deep dive into why an early swimming education sets the foundation for lifelong skills, both in a survival and recreational framework. While there’s so much we could say, we’ll stick to the 8 we believe are the most beneficial!

Swimming Promotes Water Safety For Children

Swimming, though fun, can also be a little dangerous. After all, compared to when you’re standing and walking on ground, when you’re swimming in a pool, river, or ocean, you’re in a whole different environment which requires another set of skills to navigate due to the removal or partial removal of gravitational forces acting on your body. 

This is why an early swimming education promotes water safety for children. Beyond learning about the various strokes and movements required to swim, students also learn how to remain confident and comfortable in water. Students will be able to recognize potential risks in the water and understand how to handle the aquatic world in a responsible way.

Swimming Increases Cognitive Capacity

Another benefit of swimming is that it has the power to increase cognitive capacity. Physical activities in general are known to sharpen the mind, and swimming is no different. From helping children gain better concentration, honing their problem solving skills, to leaving them much fresher and clearer after every session, swimming’s benefits on the brain cannot be overstated. 

Giving evidence to these claims, research from Griffith University has also found that children who learn to swim younger reach cognitive milestones faster–Some by as much as 10 months!

Swimming Supports Motor Skills Development 

Moving on, did you also realise swimming supports motor skills development? Given that the activity relies so heavily on the whole body working together in one, fluid motion, a lot of stress is placed on core strength and stability. 

This is where the idea of gross motor skills development comes into play. According to Child Development, gross motor skills are crucial for children because they ensure they’re able to perform everyday functions like walking and running. Swimming is another great way to improve this.

Swimming Improves Physical Health

Though we’ve already touched upon a few of the physical benefits of swimming, let’s take a closer look at what really happens. 

Simply put, swimming, and other fun water activities have a way to boost a child’s immune system, cardiovascular health, and improve the quality of their sleep. On top of this, one question people ask alot is, does swimming develop muscles? 

The simple answer is, yes, it does! Given the fact that the water serves as resistance, swimming is one way in which you can strengthen your body and put on some muscle. However, compared to going to the gym, the activity is easy on the joints, making it a great starting exercise for many. 

Get started on your swimming journey with our Baby Swim Classes

Swimming Creates A Positive Association With Exercise

Given the benefits already listed, as well as the fact that swimming is a highly rewarding, fun activity for children and adults alike, swimming also has the power to create a positive association with exercise. 

Great swim schools are aware of this, which is why they emphasize student enjoyment as much as they do their safety. Swimming is fun, and should be enjoyed as an activity. By doing so, it creates lifelong swimmers that can reap all its many benefits.

Swimming Boosts Water Confidence

Water can be scary to children who’ve never encountered it. After all, it’s a whole new world that’s vastly different from the solid, rigid one they’re used to. This is why it’s so useful to have children start swimming from an early age. Developing water confidence translates into real-life confidence, and opens up a whole host of opportunities for those children.

With water confidence, there’s so much more you could start enjoying. From learning how to surf, kite-surf, snorkel, scuba dive, wakeboard, jetski, and many more fun water activities, you’ll be able to really build a satisfying relationship with water. Considering our world’s about 70% water, isn’t this something worth doing?

Want some more information? Check out this post on our Top Tips For Swimming Lessons With Toddlers

helping children learn to swim

Swimming Builds Personal Character

Taking all the previously mentioned benefits into account, swimming also helps build an individual’s character. This is especially true for children who’ve learned swimming as complete beginners. Sticking with the process through thick and thin, these children now have an understanding of what it takes to accomplish their goals, and can rely on this mentality when faced with future obstacles. 

Besides this, research like the one from BMC Public Health have also showcased how active children turn into active adults. Furthermore, physical activities like swimming teach your children  about discipline, perseverance, hard work, and competitiveness.

Swimming Boosts Your Self Image

Last but not least on this list of benefits of swimming for children, swimming boosts your self image. Again, learning how to swim isn’t easy. By taking the time and putting in the effort to work through the process, children will find they develop skills that initially might’ve seemed impossible to figure out.

That’s the beauty and promise of learning to swim. Children become capable in all aspects of life, whether that be in survival or recreational settings. 

Invest In Quality Swimming Programs For Your Child’s Benefit With Shapland Swim Schools!

Parental support is vital if your child is to learn how to swim. Given the fact that the process is so long and challenging, why not opt for a reputable swim school like Shapland Swim Schools? With over 8 decades of experience teaching children how to swim, Shapland is equipped with the right knowledge, facilities, and instructors to make your child’s swim dreams come true. For example, our bespoke pool design accelerates your child’s ability to adjust to the changes in how their body behaves in water.  Find out what you can do for your son or daughter by contacting us now!